If you feel like you are in agreement with this philosophy then join us in our effort. Contact me at bplbc2.0@gmail.com
All stuff luvlyloops
Thursday, November 14, 2013
New Venture: Burrito Project Long Beach 2.0
If you feel like you are in agreement with this philosophy then join us in our effort. Contact me at bplbc2.0@gmail.com
Monday, April 8, 2013
I met Dave Gahan! OMG!
The meeting was meant to be like how my friends and I see it. I was in New York vacationing for five days with three other friends. It was a late start for us on Friday, 4/5/2013. We decided we were going to Rocco's in Greenwich Village for some coffee and pastries. I guess we were that hungry that my friend told us to make a left turn as we exited the subway station, well long story short we made the wrong turn and were walking in circles for a while...LoL
Some of us were teasing Monica that we wanted pizza because we were starving since we were lost because of her...LoL We passed by this pizza chain called $1 pizza but kept on walking. Then Jesse decides to wander off to Urban Outfitters so we end up at Washington Square Park. Then we regroup and kept on walking. Again we bump into another $1 Pizza location and Monica insists we grab a slice and I say no lets keep on walking. So we kept on walking. As we cross a couple of streets Jesse and Monica spot Joe's Pizza and suggest we grab a slice from there. So we all a agree. We order and try to figure out where to "sit" and we were playing musical chairs. As we finally settle, I scan the room, as I usually do, and spot this man sitting on a stool facing the window overlooking the street. I ask Jesse, Hey is that Dave Gahan because it kinda looks like him. Jesse looks over and "yes it IS DAVE GAHAN!" In my mind, I am shouting, OMG OMG, I can't believe its Dave Gahan. Depeche Mode. OMG!! I need to do something or I will regret this for the rest of my life!!
So I decided to go up to him, while he is eating a slice of pizza. I put my arm on his shoulder and said, I love you Man!! You are awesome. I have loved your music since I was a teen." He smiled and said, Thank you!! He asked me if we were from NY and we said, No from L.A. He side Nice, thank you. All the while, Jesse goes up to him as well from the front and says something to the effect, Dave Gahan, I saw you at the Rose Bowl. Dave grinned.
We proceeded to leave him alone so he can finish eating his pizza. As he was leaving he said BYE to us!! So I went for it!! I asked him if we could take pictures with him and he graciously agreed. He told us to go outside with him. I think we left our stuff behind because we were all so giddy...LOL
We took many pictures with him. Jesse was having a conversation about the shows he went to back in the 80's (I think). And Dave told us that when "you are in New York you gotta come to Joe's for pizza." Then Monica proceeded to tell Dave that we didn't want to create a mob scene and thereby waited to ask permission for picture taking. He said, "don't worry no one cares in New York." And you know that if this were happening in L.A. there would definitely be a mob scene for sure!! OMG!!! OMG!! This the biggest difference between L.A. and N.Y. fans; we L.A. fans are hard core!! Come on now!! We all know, Depeche Mode's breakthrough show in the states was at the Rose Bowl (which is about 10 min away from L.A.).
At the end we thanked him and he left and he disappeared into the busy streets of New York. AAAAAAAHHHHH!!! I will forever remember this moment and will be happy that I went up to him and talked to him. No Regrets!!
p.s. I will also attach a picture of my friend Jesse and Dave as well (the 2nd pic below) .
Sunday, January 27, 2013
The Right to bear how many Arms?
The original post:
Recently, a psycho asshole decided, for unknown reasons, to go on a shooting rampage at movie theater in Aurora, Colorado; during the midnight show of Batman: Dark Night. The last report, according to various news media outlets, was a count of 12 dead people and 58 wounded (of which 11 were critically wounded). It is considered the deadliest mass shooting in recent U.S. history.
My problem here is not the fact that we, citizens of the free world, have a right to bear arms. No siree!! My problem here is that fact that some folks get too carried away as to how many and or the type of guns they own. The regular Joe/Jane doesn't need to have an AK47 or 10 handguns. Explain to me, why on earth should a so called sane person own that much crap!! In fact, if a regular Joe ownsthat much artillery then I don't think you can no longer be categorized as a sane person; you my friends have crossed that line and are now considered psychos!! Yes, psychos!! I just don't get why a person needs to own that much artillery. Are you preparing for the Apocalypse? WWIII? Or you some kind of psycho vigilante??
I personally think, if someone is so determined and compelled to exercise their right to bear arms, then 2 should be the maximum and that should depend on the circumstances. For instance if you hunt for animals, not humans, then you should have a rifle-not an AK 47. If you are concerned about safety, because who isn't -especially if you live in an urban area or somewhere in Fontucky, then you can own one pistol or handgun.
Look, I am not rooting or begging to be an honorary member of the NRA. Oh no no no!! Regardless, I still think everyone of its members are crazy, BUT some of its members are complete nut cases. Given that, I still think, it's our constitutional right to bear arms. The constitution says it and I, as a citizen, abide by it. It was written for a reason. Despite what has happened recently, we, Americans, need to stick to the Constitution and our Bill of Rights-especially the Bill of Rights.
I don't like it when extremists (left or right) want to screw with our civil liberties. We as citizens have certain liberties that other countries don't and we need to be grateful and cherish them. Above all, we should be happy we live in the USA; a country that offers it's citizens so many civil liberties and rights. For instance, and not change subjects., China bans the internet from its citizens. I have read that some have created this underground black market internet connection. And people uses aliases and fake accounts to get on so that they won't be tracked; it's a crazy concept and it's not free and yes its real in 2013. It's little stuff like that the we take for granted and yet we shouldn't. Catch my Drift?
I completely support some kind of regulation as to how many arms we can own, if you choose to do so, but in addition I think a psychological test should be implemented in order to see if you are fit to own arms; because we know not everyone is mentally equipped to do anything normal. That is the sad reality!! So some kind of modification to the Second Amendment needs to be in place but not a complete ban on arms.
Personally, I don't own arms because I don't think I need to have any and I don't want to have any, but I would like to know I can own one someday. It's my right and I can exercise it should I choose to do it. THANK YOU!!
p.s. My heart goes out to all the victims of all recent shooting events and to their families. No one should ever go through that pain. No one!!
Monday, January 21, 2013
Color my World with a Rainbow!!!
Like I said, I participated in the 1st Annual Color Mob, which some call it a knock off of the Color Run. I am glad I signed up and went especially since I almost changed my mind for I was going through a lot that weekend. It actually brightened my mood. That's not to say the ordeal getting there. Traffic was backed up for miles luckily I cut through by taking the toll road to Irvine Lake.
I ended up meeting up with 4 others and we had a blast. Our team's name was "Team Spray Me"... loved it!! We took out our anger and frustations on each other and other strangers. We blasted each other with colored cornstarch. Everyone was doing the same and at one point we couldn't see at all because it was rainbow dust all over the air. It was all in good fun. Would I do it again? SURE!!! I was a kid for nearly two hours and lost all inhibitions in the name of FUN!! I haven't had this much fun in such a long time.
So I totally recommend that you all do it!! You will thank me when you've done it. Look for deals on Living Social, Groupon and Gilt City. I found out about Color Mob on Living Social. I paid $25 instead of the regular $50 admission. Regardless of the price, it is so worth it!! Hooray for Rainbow fun!!
Update: i will be participating at the Color Run in L.A....YAY!!!
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Ravi Shankar, my (fill in the blank)
Like most true music enthusiasts, I heard about Ravi back in the day when I had decided to read up on the Beatles. Even though my dad was a Beatles fan, he never introduced to the hippie version of the band. I only knew about their pop beginnings. It's funny, now that I look back, he never introduced me to anything that was "hippiesh." I guess because he was in the war during that time and had only listened to what he had when he got back.
Regardless, I used to embrace a lot of the Beatles music because I was introduced to it by my school teachers in grammar school. Two of my instructors were fans of John Lennon as a solo artist and of the latter era Beatles. Mr. Rollins and Mr. Cameron would always play us, on their guitars, different songs and they made us memorize them...LoL Anyway, it was through them that I recall hearing about Ravi Shankar because of his musical influence on George Harrison.
Fast forward, to 1998, I took a class called "History of Rock and Roll" at CSUF. I thought I knew everything about rock music. Boy was I in for a surprise!! It was then, then I was introduced to CCR, Led Zeppelin and once again, The Beatles and Ravi Shankar. I thought he was cool and all.
Again, fast forward to about 2004/5, and I became interested in Indian/Hindu culture. In fact, I used to work near to an area in L.A. called, Little India. When I discovered it, I thought it was the most raddest place ever. I was hanging out there a lot. In fact, I used to watch a lot of Bollywood films. At the time, I used to supervise some individuals who were from India and once again, I was reintroduced to Ravi Shankar. I loved it. I was immersed in all things India.
About a year later, I suffered a nervous breakdown. And what got me through? Surprisingly, Ravi Shankar's album, "The Ravi Shankar Collection: In London," was my cure all; it calmed me down almost immediately!! Classical music was making my anxiety/panic attacks worse where as Mr. Shankar's melodic tunes made it all better. Call me weird, but it's a true story. So ever since, I have been a fan and have been wanting to catch a performance. Due to his ailing health, he had cancelled a lot of his performances so I hadn't been able to attend.
Then finally, by pure coincidence, I found out he was performing in Long Beach, CA. I bought my ticket and went by myself and had a grand ole time; none of my friends appreciate his stuff, hence why I went by myself and it was perfect!!
Ravi Shankar outdid himself. He was magnificent!! I was in heaven!! He was wheeled in with what looked like an oxygen tank. He sat on stage and started jamming ragas like a teenager; sans the oxygen tank. We were all loving it. He outdid himself and I was thankful for it. In fact, I got teary eyed out of happiness. I couldn't believe I got to see the master who brought me out of darkness and cured me. I know this sounds delusional and psychotic but it's true: Ravi Shankar saved my life and I was beyond happy and excited to have finally seen him perform!! No words can describe my excitement and gratitude-unbeknownst to him.
Here I've attached a short video of him performing a raga. Enjoy!!
p.s. he is at the center of the video and I apologize for the shitty output quality; I am not a professional.
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Music for your lips...
With so many lip balms in the market, which one is the best value for your money and moisturizing without feeling too waxy? Look no further my peeps, at your local Trader Joes. Yes! Let me introduce you to Trader Johann's Virtuoso lip balm. It comes in a pack of 3 for $2.49 + sales tax.
Yes, that is music for your lips. Beat that Burts Bees! Of course, how can you compare $3 for one tube of Burst Bees to .85 cents for one mighty tube ofTrader Johann lip balm. Come on! Trader Johann even added spf 15 and St. John's wort for added happiness to those smackers of yours. Talk about kissable smackers!
So next time when you lose another lip balm, just drive over to Trader Joes for some Lip Virtuoso; just don't go there and belt out a tune cuz someone may tell yoi that the closest karaoke bar is 5 miles away. ;)
Monday, September 10, 2012
A late Summer's Dream on Lover's Lane
The reason why I'm writing about dreams is that I had a quite interesting one. I dreamt that I was in Paris; places that I've been to were in my dream including a ride on Champs Élysées all leading up to the Arc de Triomphe de L'étoile with my mystery man that I convinced to take me to Paris. Paris the city of lovers!
As much as I have travelled throughout the years, I have never dreamt of other places other than my hood or L.A.or at friends' homes. I think it's weird. So me dreaming of me being in Paris was quite monumental for my subconscious. Not sure what it means, but it finally happened. The weird part was that my recent trip to Paris was kinda ruined by my now ex friend. I won't go into detail but he was a jerk to me; needless to say we are no longer friends.
I always take in a lot when I travel. I love to learn new things about different cultures and such. I guess I don't want to walk on this earth an ignorant like many do. I feel like there is no excuse for ignorance in Los Angeles 2012; we have the internet, tons of resources, and we are all able to travel at some point in our lives. I guess its a matter of wanting rather than not being able to because some are able but not willing.
Regardless, Paris was such a beautiful city that almost seemed like a dream. Sure it has it's impoverished areas but which city doesn't? Overall, Paris was a mesmerizing piece of artwork. It evoked so much romanticism; it's buildings, streets, the River Seine, artwork, the cafes, the jardins, and the Parisians, themselves. It was one of the nights that I was out. I was next to the River Seine and it was lit up. I saw many couples walking along the river, the boats riding on the river with tons of couples whispering sweet nothings, and the Eiffel Tower all lit up in all its majestic glory. It is then then I longed to be there with my lover. (cheesy, huh?...nope, not really!!)...if only. Ugh!! I am glad I went with my now ex-friend, but it would have been way better to be there with a special someone.
So when I had this dream a couple of nights ago, I was shocked that it actually happened and even more so that it took place in the city of love, Paris!! Here are some pics of my trip to Paris and may love conquer all!!
Friday, August 24, 2012
A Great Feel Good Story
About a month and a half ago, I was visiting a friend. We were chatting as usual and she, all of a sudden, says to me, "You know Lupe, if I am to die to tonight or tomorrow I am ready. I am ok with it." This statement caught me by surprise. I was like, "WTF is going on with her? Is she mad? I know she's been through a lot, but come on now!"
So I asked her, "wait, what? come again?" She proceeded to repeat herself, and I asked her, what brought this on? She reminded me of her long bitter divorce and the fact that she is having money troubles. I continued, to tell her that others had it so much far worse than her. Others, are homeless, without a steady income and have no one in their lives. She has her children, who are grown up, and has her mother, and her job, her home, but somehow that wasn't enough to her.
This reminded of me some time ago. I kinda knew what she was going through, granted I wasn't going through a divorce since I've never been married; but I knew about that void. When that void hits you, its ugly and causes you to get all nutty and depressed. I know, I went through it.
I continued to listen to her and then thought, not only is she depressed and feels that void, but she is going through that "i am no longer needed syndrome." I don't know how that feels but I can imagine it sucks. I then decided her to invite her to volunteer at Burrito Project South Pasadena. She was curious and I explained. I got to admit, I wasn't expecting her to accept or especially go through with it. She told me usually watches her Spanish novelas. I then challenged her to drop her novelas for that night and I sacrifice my precious sleep and go as well. I wasn't planning on going because I had to wake up at 5am and usually that chapter finishes really late at night and then I get home late and hardly sleep at all...blah blah...
She accepted that challenge. The day came and I so wanted to back out because I was exhausted and hadn't slept well for over a week, but I made that sacrifice and went with it. I picked her up and she was nervous and excited. I had already warned her she probably wouldn't like it. Delivering at Skid Row is quite an eye opening experience and not everyone has the character or strength to do it.
Her daughter with her friends also showed up and everyone was excited. Finally the rest of the Burrito Project group showed up and we started. I was constantly watching her reaction and her demeanor and she seemed okay. I have to admit, I was concerned. The delivery was a bit long but successful. She was excited to do it again. WOW!! I was shocked and happy at the same time!
She and her daughter went again and sadly I couldn't join the group this time. I visited her later in the week and asked her how she was doing. She said she was feeling good about herself. And I told her, that it showed. She looked chirpy and seemed more alive.
She then thanked me for giving her this opportunity to feel good, needed, with a purpose in life, and a better relationship with her daughter. I was so happy that a tear fell down my face. I couldn't believe I helped someone feel alive again. She no longer wants to die that quick and wants to do so much. She is working on some personal stuff and has set goals. WOW!!
The moral of the story, you never know when, where or how will you change a person's life to a positive one. In this case, I felt it was my duty to show her that there is so much more in life than what she was going through and that someone else has it worse. We have so much to be thankful for in this life and we have so much to do during our stay on earth in this life. Man, after I heard her, I felt good and ready to tackle life again!! I hope this story touches you as it did to me! xoxo
Sunday, August 19, 2012
Tone me up at a Bargain
Hi folks! Here's a double whammy for ya! Another inexpensive beauty product that is high quality and more natural for girls and the dudes: Humphreys Witch Hazel astringent.
Guys are probably scratching their chin right now trying to figure out what is this. Well, if you were using this you wouldnt be scratching your chin or other parts of your face. You see, you think your face is clean because you washed it with soap...NEGATIVE! Soap leaves a lot of residue and not all of the dirt is completely gone. That's where toner comes into play, but most toners are pricey, sold at cosmetic counters and thereby have to charge a lot for these products.
The popular toner I am comparing this to is Clinique's clarifying lotion- for either type of skin-at $27 for the 16.5 oz bottle, according to Sephora.com. That can get pretty steep at daily use and can cause a big hole in your pockets every year. Again I present to you Humphreys witch hazel astringent at just $7 for the 16 oz bottle at Whole Foods. Yes, $7 at Whole Foods...haha!
And guys, don't worry about smelling like a chick because its fragrance free. See, anything is possible for good looking healthy skin. Not only does it really clean out your skin but it balances out the moisture; and it soothes minor irritation after shaving. See? It's a win win situation: fragrance free, a good size, helps skin look and feel good, its at Whole Foods and not a make-up counter, and its $7. There you go!! Your Welcome!!
Fab Eyeliner on the cheap
Yes you read correctly folks, I found a fabulous eyeliner that is super inexpensive! May I introduce you to: Jordana Color Xtend eyeliner.
It glides on super smoothly and its waterproof; no tug and pull. I compare this to Urban Decay Glide On 24/7 eye pencils. At $3 its a super steal whereas the Urban Decay pencils are $19 and the black one is always out of stock at Sephora. I bought mine at the toy district in DTLA at a makeup store. I absolutely recommend this eyeliner.
p.s. I am not getting paid to write this review. I am doing it because people need to know about good stuff that is out there especially in the bad economy where we need to stretch our dollar. :)
Monday, August 13, 2012
Shameless plug: South Pasadena Burrito Project
Next thing I knew I wanted to do more. I needed to do something that was more frequent because the pledge drive only happens for a week twice a year. Then one day, after not logging on to Facebook for a while, I noticed my friend Alan had just RSVP'd to this event with a catchy name (which i can't remember anymore). I checked it out, texted Alan about it, he explained it to me, and I was down!! It was the West L.A, burrito project. I was super excited!! We went and again I was hooked; and I continued working it. That was back in 2008 or 2009.
Now, due to time constraints, the WLA burrito project is on a hiatus. I hope it resumes again, but in the meantime, I am helping out with the South Pasadena chapter. The people that go are from all walks of life and all ages, from 6 to 60 years old. All are welcome and united by the need to want to help the needy. I welcome you all to help out with volunteering and or donations. Alan basically funds the whole thing so any help is quite welcomed. He accepts monetary donations on the website via paypal.
I admit, burrito project is not for everyone, but everyone should experience it as some point in their lives. Its quite the life changing experience. Again, I welcome you all to the South Pasadena Burrito Project. You can also find them on Facebook where the invite is generated from. SPBP takes place the 3rd Thursday of the month, unless there is a holiday.
In the meantime please enjoy the following video of SPBP which was filmed by LA FORWARD last year:
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Sorry for the delay folks...
Monday, July 9, 2012
A fallen colleague
When I pass along, I want the following words to be said while playing the corresponding song in the background:
"dearly beloved we are gathered here today to get through this thing called life. electric word, life. it means forever and that's a mighty long time, but i'm here to tell you there's something else: the afterworld. a world of neverending happiness. you can always see the sun, day or night....cos in this life things are much harder than in the afterworld. in this life, you are on your own." from The Ever Great Purple King "Let's Go Crazy!"
Rest In Peace Maude!!
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
That adorable, HEA!!!
Here is a picture of my niece and her mother, my sister!! This was sent to me online while on vacation in Costa Rica!! Surprisingly, my niece aka HEA, remembered me when I came back and was delighted to see me. <3
Monday, July 2, 2012
No BFF's for me!!
One turned a hater of everything fun and unattractive people-for a lack of better words. This one lost a lot of weight, which is great, but all of a sudden thought that he/she was better than me and everyone else around them. This person would say it a lot and criticized me for not being as attractive as her him/her. I tried to be cool about it, but it was obvious I was not going to tolerate the hate anymore. I voiced my opinion but that didn't matter. All hell broke loose right after my birthday. Its sad but we both had drifted apart. I was no longer as catty as he/she was; I guess I grew up! Best of luck to that person!!
The other one just drifted away once he/she got into a relationship. I no longer mattered. I guess I had no value once they were in a relationship...so in a way I was being used. Gosh!! how awful!! I wish that person all the best!!
The other one was great up until I went on a trip with him/her. It was their idea of me tagging along this trip. This BFF had never traveled abroad and wanted me to go because we were besties, and I was the well traveled one and and I was game. Everything was great until we were there-and the location shall remain anonymous. We met up a friend of mine and it was all good. We did a lot of sightseeing the following day and all was good. THen we went to dinner and that comment made during dinner was nail in the hatchet. "Oh no, you are going to have wine which means you will snore!" YES, you read correctly because this is going to come up again. I apologized and stopped drinking. My BFF finished the remaining glass and carafe so I wouldn't snore again.
Before I go on, correct me if I am wrong, but don't most human beings snore? Of course, especially men!! We all know this, especially those of that have cohabitated at some point in our lives. I guess my ex-BFF thought he/she is the exception to this rule. Let me tell you he/she isn't special or god-like at all, because he/she snores as well. Yet, I didn't make a stink about it.
On to the story, well, my exBFF was so angry at me that he/she doesn't know that i know that he/she poked my ear twice in the middle of the night. YES!!! you read correctly and I was terrorized!! I mean, who in the world does something like that? You probably think I am writing about a comedic film or am joking. NOPE!! I am telling the truth!! I have nothing to hide or lose!! This piece of work was awful to me and has never apologized; basically we stopped talking ever since. The exBFF also doesn't know that I heard him/her cussing me out because I started snoring again. YES!! All of this happened to me.
I was going to change rooms, but it was too expensive to do so. And then I thought, "wait a minute, why DO I have to move out, when I paid as much money as them to have fun on another continent? Its not like I just hop on a plane every weekend and do this. And I am not a money mill!!" We never spoke or hung out for the duration of the trip. We went our separate ways but had to tolerate him/her on the flight back home because he/she booked our seats together. No one ever listens to me. I had said early on, "I think its best we don't sit together on the plane especially since we'll be around each other the entire time." Sitting next to this person was a challenge, but I was cordial. I rolled my eyes when my exBFF complained about the passenger next to us because he was snoring. YES again, really!!!
Not sure what happened to this person, but it almost seemed like he/she was possessed. I see no other explanation for this erratic change of behavior!! I still scratch my head trying to figure it out. Look, I had already apologized for my snoring the night before (due to having some cocktails) and apologized beforehand in case I snored again. Not sure what he/she expected from me, but he/she owes me an apology for being an asshole to me!! I had no hidden agenda; my only agenda was to have fun!! Well, I wish this person the best in life because he/she will need it!!
So at this point I will not be seeking a BFF anytime soon!! I will just continue to have casual friends.
Prime ticket seating in HD: Rich vs. Poor people
Calm down!! I am not denouncing my citizenship or trash talking America, but i am merely pointing out the fact that certain people hate their own people, especially if they are poor. You see, some are so twisted in their beliefs that they don't even know what they believe in anymore; true story!! Case in point, America has waged a war against women by attacking Planned Parenthood and proclaiming to win the battle on Pro Life!! Really, hypocritical assholes?!?! If you are such defenders of life then why do don't want to support all these people that weren't aborted by allowing them to have medical insurance!! YES, I went there!!
An old friend of mine said it well, "[Republicans] don't want to kill the unborn but when they are here they want to kill them by not allowing them medical care!! There is no other way to put it.!! I just love how Mitt Romney came out to do a press conference minutes after the verdict was read by the Supreme Court, and starts babbling bullshit on how ObamaCare is bad for America and for jobs and business!! Okay, let's breakdown this statement. So if everyone in America can finally afford health insurance, how is that bad for America? I mean that means that money will be pouring in every month and that means that people will be going to doctors's offices and or hospitals. Hmm, many people will be flooding these facilities that they won't be able to meet the demand to help all these people which means these institutions need to hire more people. CHA CHING!!
"ObamaCare is bad for jobs and business'!! well I just solved the hiring part for you already. I understand that small businesses will now have to spend more money just that they can now provide insurance to their employees, but really? that is your defense? Well Shame on YOu!! you should be embarrassed for not providing that service because that only means that your employees are probably calling in sick a lot and how is that beneficial to your business? Less man power and time wasted on restructuring duties and possibly not meeting deadlines and as a result losing out on orders and clients. Given these factors I don't see how this is better and money saving at the end of the day.
Given all this, Mitt Romney and his supporters have waged a war on the poor! We have all been subjected to this circus show everyday for over a year. America has been witnessing on High Definition via our t.v. sets and the world wide web this show!! I bet the rest of the world is laughing at us and enjoying the spectacle this great super power is projecting every single day-no cable subscription needed. In my opinion, Romney is all talk and is in it for the rich. Come on, I hope you didn't think that he cares for middle America or those that earn $30K a year that go to church every Sunday and or check in to Facebook to let the world know you are a good Christian!! If you are those idiots that do, well, "HAHA!!" Get real people!!
Good Christians don't turn their backs on the poor!! Jesus never did and guess what? he wasn't a republican or a tea bagger. He talked a lot, but his actions spoke louder than words!! And that's a fact!! He didn't have any physical money but yet he had compassion and helped the poor and the hurt!! And this is coming from the most non-religious person you have ever met, but goes to show you that I do know what Jesus stood for!! Sure he was pro-life but yet he didn't abandon those that were here on earth. He helped in every way that he could. Sure he had superpowers but his purpose was to show us that everyone should be compassionate and help thy neighbor whenever and however possible!! This is written on all versions of the bible; its a universal statement!! So if ya"ll religious political people claim to love Jesus then why don't practice what you have read in the bible? Why aren't you all true Christians living the word of God and stop waging a war on the defenseless poor?!?? Oh and stop using Facebook for your hateful and hypocritical agendas; get a blog like me!!
So please, anyone out there-tea baggers or Romney supporters-tell me how, ObamaCare is bad for America, jobs, and business!!

Sunday, October 16, 2011
It's citrus time!
I was in San Francisco today to celebrate my sister's birthday
...woohoo! And what better place to find orange hued fabulous items. At the Castro district I met some fun people willing to let me "fotograff" them. I met this friendly and cool dude by the name of Adam Q. He was wearing this fabulous citrus toned watch...TA-DAH!!
P.s. note the time stamp on the watch....yep, it's legit!!
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Fotos (orange) update
I am finding quite difficult to find cool and or nice orange colored items during the month of October...go figure! Oddly enough I am finding tons of pink stuff in honor Breast Cancer Awareness month. Well we are half way through October so we'll see what happens. Cross your fingers and stay tuned!
Friday, October 14, 2011
'Tis the season for Pumpkin Ale!
One of the many things that I love about the fall season is pumpkin ale! Though not orange in color, it's quite refreshing and yum! Cheers mates...tis the season for Pumpkin Ale!
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Vroom & muscle a la òrange
For anyone that knows me, knows that I love cars esp. the really fast ones and with muscle. I absolutely love the redesigned Dodge Charger and this one takes it all...vroom vroom!