Today, I went to a funeral. It was the funeral of a colleague who had been sick for quite some years. She was a two or three time cancer survivor and she continued to work no matter how awful she felt. I had known her for a very long time; easily 15 years. It was so sad to see her family hurting and heartbroken, but it was amazing to see how many lives she touched. A good 10 people went up to say a few words; family, colleagues, and friends especially from her childhood. Based on her stories and what others said, she seemed to have lived a happy and well fulfilled life. I'm glad to have met her.
When I pass along, I want the following words to be said while playing the corresponding song in the background:
"dearly beloved we are gathered here today to get through this thing called life. electric word, life. it means forever and that's a mighty long time, but i'm here to tell you there's something else: the afterworld. a world of neverending happiness. you can always see the sun, day or night....cos in this life things are much harder than in the afterworld. in this life, you are on your own." from The Ever Great Purple King "Let's Go Crazy!"
Rest In Peace Maude!!
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